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Obstructive Sleep Apnoea: The Treatment

How Is Sleep Apnoea Treated?
  • Life Style Changes
    • Weight loss
    • Stop smoking and alcohol consumption
  • Nasal CPAP
  • Surgery
  • Oral & Dental Devices

Life Style Changes
  • Weight Loss
    • Decreasing the body weight reduces the amount of excess tissue in and around the airway.
    • Small reductions (10% body mass) in weight have been shown to improve the severity of condition markedly (50%) for obese patients.
    • A reduction in the body mass index (BMI) to 30 or less can significantly reduce obstructive sleep events.
  • Avoid
    The use of alcohol and sleeping pills prior to sleep will reduce the sheer number and duration of apnoea events.

Nasal CPAP

The positive pressure splints the airway open preventing collapse.

  • CPAP is the most common form of treatment and the most effective (Gold Standard) for obstructive sleep apnea.
  • The desired level of pressure is set on the machine and can be adjusted to achieve the optimum benefit.
  • One clinical guideline for determining initial pressure for CPAP trials is to use an initial pressure equal to 1/2 the patient's neck size.

Surgical Procedures

  • Surgical removal of tonsils and adenoids will serve to increase the size of the pharynx and to eliminate those possible obstructive structures.
  • Surgical removal of any tumors, growths or nasal polyps which may be obstructing the airway.
  • Correction of any physical abnormality such as jaw or tissue malformations relieves airflow obstruction in many patients who have sleep apnea.
  • Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP)
    Surgical revision of the uvula, tonsils, soft palate, and soft tissues of the oropharynx may provide significant relief of obstruction in selected patients.
  • Laser - assisted uvulopalatoplasty (LAUP) Surgical revision of the uvula, tonsils and soft palate, using laser technology may also provide significant relief of obstruction in these patients.

How To Diagnose Sleep Apnoea?

Polysomnography Or Sleep Study.

What Is It ?
Polysomnography is a diagnostic test during which a number of physiologic variables are measured and recorded during sleep. Physiologic sensor leads are placed on the patient in order to record various parameters.

How Does It Work?
Information is gathered from all leads and fed into a computer and outputted as a series of waveform tracings which enable the Sleep Consultant to visualize the various waveforms, assign a score for the test, and assist in the diagnostic process.

Polysomnography Report

Benefits Of CPAP:

  • Patients discovers a new life with CPAP.
  • Quality of life improves drastically.
  • Rejuvenated mind and refreshed body.
  • Better Hypertension, Diabetes & Asthma control.
  • Lesser traffic accidents.

Sleep Apnoea: A topic of fascination

Sleep Apnoea - Detection and Dangers

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