Otherwise your doctor (respiratory sleep disorder specialist) can diagnose it.
Symptoms Of Sleep Apnoea:During Day Time
Excessive sleepiness.
Morning headaches.
Irritability or moodiness.
Memory loss, poor concentration.
Reduced libido.
While Asleep
Loud, irregular snoring.
Feeling of choking or shortness of breath.
Restless sleep.
Nocturnal cough.
Esophageal reflux.
OSA - Risk Factors:
Obesity greatly increases risk of obstructive sleep apnoea.
Bmi > 30 – very high risk.
Neck circumference
> 17 inches (43 cms) in males
> 15 inches in females.
Male : female – 2 : 1.
Tonsillar hypertrophy.
Hypothyroidism, acromegaly.
Nasal septal deviation.
What Are The Dangers Of Untreated Sleepapnoea?
Hypertention & Cardiac Disease
Each additional apnoea event per hour of sleep increases the odds of HT by about 1%.
Each 10% decrease in nocturnal oxygen saturation increases the odds of HT by 13%.
Dysregulation of glucose control.
Exacerbate the onset of diabetes in susceptible individuals.
As many as 63% of stroke and TIA suffers experience of sleep apnoea.
Stroke and TIA patients are five times more likely to suffer from sleep apnoea than the general
Concurrent existence of Nocturnal Asthma and Sleep Apnoea is well documented.
Pulmonary Hypertention
Consequence of ‘NO TREATMENT’ of OSA.
Traffic Accidents
A leading cause of preventable traffic accidents around the world second only to alcohol intoxications.
Cardiac Arrhythmias
Increased chances of arrhythmias & sudden death.
Loss Of Income & Productivity
Patients of OSA are (mistakenly) often thought of as lazy and slow or nonmotivated.
Children with this disorder suffer from bad grades at school and subsequent low self esteem.
Shortened Life Span
Of patients with severe sleep apnoea only half are alive after 5 years.