In the pursuit of looking good, man has always tried to beautify his face. Since the alignment and appearance of teeth influence the personality, they have received considerable attention. Most modern citizens would prefer to have dazzling white teeth seen on the magazine covers, television and movie screen. You should also read this article by Tim Huckabee DDS
A variety of tooth whitening options are available today. They include over the counter whitening systems, whitening tooth paste, and the latest high tech option- laser tooth whitening. For maximum effects , as of today, peroxide is usually the agent resorted to.
Currently available tooth whitening options are:
As the tooth bleaching continues to grow in popularity, research continues into all types of bleaching systems.
Before we go into the details of tooth whitening, lets take a brief look at the causes of tooth discoloration,
They can be broadly classified into
I. Extrinsic stains.
II Intrinsic stains.
I. Extrinsic stains:
-The pellicle on the tooth surface get easily stained and
may display many colors ranging from white to red to green.
-Cigarette smoking produces yellowish brown to black discoloration, usually in the cervical portion of the teeth, primarily on the lingual surfaces.
-Tobacco chewing stains frequently penetrate the enamel, producing a deeper stain.
Coffee and tea cause severe, tenacious
discolorations, usually brown to black.
Extrinsic stains are usually removed during a standard prophylaxis.
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