To confirm, evaluate and treat a disease, physicians need to perform clinical examinations of patients ?
wherein textual knowledge (aptopadesa), direct perception (pratyaksha) and inference (anumana) are all very important
components. The examination of patients can be carried out in the following manners:
Three (Tri) fold (Bidha) Examination (Pariksha)
Covers a general examination of the patient.Eight (Asht) fold (Bidha) Examination (Pariksha)
Provides a clear picture of nature of ailment and patient's general condition. This involves the examination of pulse, tongue, voice, skin, eye, general appearance, urine & stool.Ten (Dash) fold (Bidha) Examination (Pariksha)Related to the patient.
Covers body constitution, pathological state, tissue vitality, physical build, body measurement, adaptability, psychic constitution, capacities for digestion & exercise and age.Alternative Therapies: