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Quiz: Are You Set For a Long Healthy Life?

How much water do you drink per day on average?
Less than 1 litre
Around 1 to 1.5 litre
More than 1.5 litres

What are your eating habits?
I tend to continue eating even when I'm not hungry
I hate eating and I tend to eat very less
I stop eating when I'm somewhat full

How do you eat your meals?
I often eat in a hurry sometimes standing or as I walk
I eat at the table often leisurely
I squat or sit on the floor when I eat

When do you eat the last meal of the day?
Before sunset
I eat my dinner more than an hour before I sleep
I tend to eat my dinner quite late at night

How do you usually feel after your meals?
Light and energetic
A little tired or sleepy sometimes
Uncomfortable and sleepy

How often do you eat out?
Quite often, more than twice a week
Once or twice a week
Quite infrequently, less than once a week

Does your daily routine include exercise, brisk walking or yoga?
Yes, at least 30 minutes
Yes, occasionally
Not much, I live a sedentary life

What time do you usually wake up at?
7 am or earlier
Later than 7am
It varies, depends on work timings

Do you use the 'lazy' toilet?
I use the Indian style squatting toilet
I use a Western commode

How many hours of television do you watch everyday??
More than 2
Around 1 to 2 hours
I do not watch television

Does your daily routine include a spiritual practice?

What is your approach towards life??
Relaxed, I am mostly content
I almost have everything I want, I am motivated by my goals
I am often stressed and preoccupied

You are living on the edge. Remember that wealth is pointless if it is eventually spent in medical bills! A little care and discipline will bring your system the stability and support it needs to remain healthy.

You might also want to integrate healthy eating, yoga and reiki into your life.

You are doing fairly well. A little more care can still be taken, to ensure that you spend your later years in great mental and physical health.

You might also want to integrate healthy eating, yoga and reiki into your life.

Congratulations! You are doing quite well for yourself, and we encourage you to continue prioritizing good health. If you also include fruits regularly in your diet, and avoid processed foods, you are doing very very well!

We have a lot of information on healthy eating, yoga and reiki on our website.

Sutras by Maharishi Vagbhata

Healthy Living

The Role & Importance of Water

Food & Cooking

Habits Related to Food

Understanding Vata

Understanding Pitta

Understanding Kapha

The Sacred Cow

Summary of the Sutras

Alternative Therapy

A Beginner's Guide to Reiki

Homeopathy: A DIY Guide

Homeo Symptoms & Remedies


Fundamentals of Ayurveda

Yoga: A Journey to Bliss

The Path of Raja Yoga

Siddha Medicine

Siddha:Origin & Fundamentals

Raw Food Therapy

eBook: Food Rules