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Dentistry in Canada

You are a foreign dentist. Only thing that stands between you and prosperity is the license to practice.

Do you want guidance giving all information about dental Licensure in CANADA.  

TO learn about License in USA CLICK HERE


Opportunity for Dentists in Canada

Before 2011, for international dentists to work in Canada, they would have to take the EE “Eligibility Exam”. Then apply for a 2 years qualifying program in an accredited university in Canada.
The exam wasn’t only difficult, but passing the exam didn’t mean you’ll be granted a place in university. So it was extremely competitive, and only the pioneers made it to the end. A NEW system for equivalency started 2011. In which it gives you the option to obtain your license without being enrolled in a university for 2 years. And the good thing is that throughout the equivalency exams, if you fail, you can always apply for a qualifying program. No one has completed the process yet, since it only started this year. But let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.

ALSO read CAN Foreign Dentist practice In INDIA ?

Canada License is like 5 step process
  1. Assessment of Fundamental Knowledge (AFK) examination
  2. Clinical skills examinations
  3. Clinical judgement Examination

Once you clear above three exams then you can appear for board exam, written and Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) conducted by National Dental Examining Board of Canada (NDEB).

FEES for the above are given below

The fees are:
1.Application (Paid once) 500$
Assessment of fundamental knowledge 600$
Assessment of clinical skills 4,000$
Assessment of Clinical judgment 1,500$
2. Application (Paid once) 400$
Written 700$
OSCE 900$

USEFUL LINKS and Documents

Canada helping internationally trained dentists

Information for foreign-trained dentists/dental surgeons

Primer for Graduates of non-accredited dental programs

We have some more documents giving details of process, if you are interested email us to webmaster email id.


This was posted on a forum in Feb 2012,

My name is David and I would like to have some attention about the social issue that newcomers, international trained dentists are having in Canada.

I held DDS degree from UK and this is my third time taking the exam, the first time I took it in Montreal under the Quebec program.More or less the model of the exam is same, maybe the name is different. Many international dentists that I know and took this year exam are surprised of the tricky and non-academic type of questions that you have on the test.

We are trying to get in contact and talk with some journalists,officials from Ministry of education,Royal college of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, and with Mr. Jason Kenney ,Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism about the exam and the whole process of licensing for international dentists in Canada under NDEB.

We have opinion that every year is more and more difficult, and not sure why is like that .
Why ,when Canada is accepting every year 250.000( that's quarter million) new legal immigrants and only around 30 from them (talking for last year) obtain license to practice Dentistry here.

We would like to know and talk with the Ministry, why Dentistry is on the high demand and on the fast track for immigration in Canada, when only around 30 dentists are allowed to work and live in Canada.
We still don't know why the Released Question Bank and test is same for graduates of accredited dental programs and for non accredited-international dentists , but the difference in passing score is 10%.
Why is 75% passing score for us, why is 65% for them. That is the biggest question mark for us.If we have to show more knowledge then them in Dentistry, that have to be said loud.We feel discriminated.

We tried contacting NDEB on phone to schedule an appointment and talk about these issues, but it seems that they are too busy. We would like to schedule appointment with the Minister about this issue that affect many newcomers with university degree from all over the world.
We address this question to few journalists and independent medias from the around world with only one question: Why we are second class citizens in this country and why we are not treated equally.

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