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Dr. Ramesh Kabade
They say whatever exists in the universe (the macrocosm) exists also in the human body (the macrocosm) that is, finer forces exist potentially in our own organism and if we study our nature carefully we shall be able to know all the forces and the laws which govern the universe.
Siddha Medicine System again teaches the cure of disease through breathing exercise and the regulation of diet and of the general habits of the daily life.
Physical maladies are obstacles in the path of spiritual progress, while a healthy body furnishes one of the most favorable conditions for the realization of the highest spiritual truths in their life.
Those who don’t possess good health should therefore begin to practice Siddha yoga.
In practice of Siddha yoga strict dietetic rules must be observed, anything that is sharp should not be eaten. Food again which having been once cooked has grown cold and been rewarmed should be avoided. Those who wish to enjoy perfect health must be careful about what they eat, must also observe all the laws of hygiene regarding cleanliness of the body, fresh air and pure water.
He should not indulge in artificial stimulants. He who wishes to practice Siddha yoga should first of all find a perfect teacher who has perfect control over his physical body and having found him, he should lead a life in strict accord with his instructions. He should observe the moral laws and practice absolute control. He should learn to control his senses, keep his body clean and purify his mind by arousing feelings of kindness and love towards all living creatures.
The beginner should gradually conquer one by one-special breathing exercises, which in turn develops certain powers latent in the nerve centers and the different organs of the system.
Another object of practicing this is to remove heaviness of the body, and to free the system from the effects of cold, phlegm, rheumatism and many other diseases. Some of the exercises increase the action of the stomach and liver, while others regulate the activities of the other organs.
Tremor of the body and restlessness of the limbs, which are such frequent obstacles in the way of gaining control over the mind may easily be removed by this practice.
A beginner should first practice abdominal breathing, keeping a measured time for inspiration and expiration. Gradually he should be directed by his master to hold the breath in and out. The alternate breathing exercise will purify the nerves and will make the student well fitted for higher breathing exercise. This exercise if practiced regularly for some months will generate new nerve currents and develop the healing power. The beginner who wishes to cure any organic trouble or disease of any kind should continue the higher and lower breathing exercises which bear direct relation to the distrusted organ. He should arouse the healing power stored up at the base of the spine and direct it to the diseased part.
It describes various methods for cleaning the internal organs some of them are extremely beneficial to those who suffer from chronic diseases. Siddha yoga cleanses the alimentary canal and purges the impurities of the intestines by drawing water through the opening at the lower extremities of the alimentary canal. This he does with the help of breathing exercises without using any instrument.
An expert washes his whole alimentary canal by following the directions given by his master. Thus he becomes free from stomach or intestinal disorders. Such exercises are especially recommended for those who are flabby, phlegmatic or corpulent.
An expert can even swallow his tongue. He who can swallow his upturned tongue is free from old age and death, conguer sleep, hunger and thirst and rises above time. The powers of a perfect Siddha yoga are indeed wonderful he can do and undo anything at his will. He is the master of all the physical laws.
Thus we see that perfect health and longevity are the immediate results of this practice.
As we have already stated this practice of breathing is wholly devoted to the control of the functions of the physical forces, its ideal being a sound constitution, well fitted to overcome those. Physical and environmental conditions which stand as obstacles in the path of spiritual progress.
Pious breathing deals entirely with the mind and the psychic power, and may be called the science of applied psychology. Its main aim is to remove all mental obstructions and to gain a perfectly controlled healthy mind. The main purpose of its training is to develop and strengthen the will as well as the power of concentration and to lead the seeker after truth through the path of practice.
About the Author:Dr. Ramesh Kabadia is an expert in siddha medicine and has treated over 3 lakh cases of a variety of ailments. He is available for consultations at Belgaum on Sundays. To contact him at is Dharwad clinic details are Dr. Ramesh Kabadia, Dhawale building, line bazar, Dharwad, Karnataka, India. Mob +91-9035123106, +91-9448443846 (call in noon time only) Tweet
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