Arnica : is the major remedy in dentistry- give it to patients routinely before and after treatment
Plantago Q: Great remedy for tooth sensitivity and early pulp exposure, follow it up with
Staph for long term relief
Silica for pus in gums or swellings
Chamomila for kids teething problems
Cheiranthus cheiri Q for wisdom teeth eruption problems
Borax for mouth ulcers
Nux vomica is indicated for children who vomit before going to the dentist.
Ruta and or Hypericum and Causticum is tremendously helpful in implant surgery, particularly when the bone is surgically prepared for the implant.
Myristica is an absolutely magical remedy - instead of antibiotics
Hepar sulph will quickly bring relief. It must be potency 6c for absess
Ferr phos - for bleeding problems
Symphytum – bone injuries or teeth extraction. Severe pains, better from rest.
Hypericum – used for wounds without bruising. Generally for mechanical punctures or nerve injuries from dental instruments.
Ruta graveolens – periosteum (bone covering) injuries.
Mouthwashes of Salvia (sage) infusions several times a day diminish some of the pain in Dry socketCarbo veg 30, Symphytum 200 for loose teeth due to perio
Silicea - Use to hasten the discharge when pus is draining.