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Personalised diet plan for Vata

The attention given to treat people as individuals and single entity is perhaps the greatest strength of ayurveda. While making the classification of persons according to their “doshic” predominance, the acharyas have broadly described seven type of “prakritis”, of which the “vata” type is the first and the most important. With an erratic or unpredictable appetite and digestive pattern, “vata” personalities are more in need of a proper dietary regime.

“Vata” people require a calming, grounding and nourishing diet and their food should be warm and easily digestible, having moistening and strengthening qualities. Sweet, sour and salty tastes are more suitable to them and, with an exception to spices, they should use less of eatables having pungent, bitter and astringent tastes. Small, frequent and regular meals are best suited to them. As per their nature “vata” persons are very sensitive to the good and bad effect of all types of foods. Though like all other persons they are advised to personalise their food plan, here is a brief description of various food items having favourable or unfavourable effect on their constitution.

Grains: As most of the whole grains are nourishing, wheat is still the best suitable cereal for “vata”-dominated persons. Good quality basmati rice can also be taken according to personal suitability, but corn and barley are certainly known to aggravate “vata” and should be taken sparingly. Instead of taking polished or split lentils, “vata” people should take unpolished or ungrounded lentils. Bread with its yeasty nature usually causes gas and constipation to them. They are best advised to shun all types of fast food.

Fruits and vegetables: Most of the fruits have good effect on “vata” people, but these should be consumed in moderation, in ripe condition and also according to the season. Fruits increase the body fluids, maintain the electrolyte balance and, with an exception to apple and pomegranate, generally help to clear the bowels. All dried fruits are inappropriate for “vata” people unless they are reconstituted to normal juiciness by soaking in water. Cooked rather than raw vegetables are best suited to their digestive system. Carrots, potatoes, garlic, radish and onion (both strictly in cooked form), green beans, fresh peas and leafy vegetables are good for them.

Dairy products: Since most of the milk products are unctuous but heavy, these are at the same time nourishing and have properties opposite to that of “vata”. They can take all dairy products but only after taking due consideration to their digestive fire. If milk causes gas formation to “vata” people, it can be taken boiled with cardamom or long pepper (magh). Similarly, curd blended with water and spiced with rock salt, cumin (jeera), dry ginger and black pepper (kali mirch) is good. Cottage cheese, butter and ghee also suits them well and can be taken with meals.

Oils and animal products: In general most oils are good for “vata” people and sesame oil is the best. Almond oil is good for the brain, coconut for the hair and mustard oil for the skin. Oil massage is also very helpful to counter the drying effect of “vata”. Regarding the animal products “vata” persons can honestly claim to need meat in their diet, though it has been described as “tamasic”. They sometimes find that it restores their health when nothing else seems to work, particularly if they have been raised on it. Chicken, fish and egg should be given preference over red meat.

Spices and vices: Most spices are carminative and digestive in effect and are thus good for “vata”-dominated persons. Hing, turmeric, ginger, clove, garlic, coriander and cumin seeds help to digest even heavy food and prevent the formation of post-digestive impurities. Ayurveda has discussed the effect of alcohol and other intoxicating items on various persons. Though no such substance should ever be used habitually by anyone, “vata” people are specially advised to avoid tobacco and caffeine. Beer is not so good as wine because of its yeast contents and hard drink is too intense for the “vata” constitution.

Diet plan for Vata

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