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As always this issue also brings you hot topics and news in dentistry. Esthetic dentistry is the in thing today and there is no esthetic dentistry without ceramics. The heart of doing good ceramic work is shade selection. In this issue we bring you an article which will improve your shade selection ability. ICDR is one of the leading centers for learning Endodontics. Recently it also acquired Digital Xray from Dentsply/Gendex which is one of the best in its class. Of course you have chance to have hands on experience with apex locator, rotary endodontics, endo microscope, rubber dam etc at our center you work on patients to have hands on feel.  I may also inform you that ICDR runs courses on esthetic dentistry and trains you in the use of Operating microscope, fixed orthodontics. 

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a condition one must learn about. There is a definite role dentist can play in this condition. Mandible positioning appliances can also help overcome snoring. 

Did you know ? you may be out of business in next five years, at least that is what it appears if the scheme of spraying genetically modified S. mutans in patients mouth succeeds. Read on how most dangerous oral bacteria has been genetically modified.

MTA (mineral trioxide aggregate) is of the wonder material of this time .We bring you an review/update with lots of links and information. You can also see all articles on this topics for past year and their reviews in the Hot reviews section.

So enjoy reading and learning with online YPB, and if there is anything you would like to tell us do e mail to ypb@healthmantra.com 

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