This Single Affirmation Healed Thousands of People

Émile Coué was a renowned French psychologist and pharmacist, born on February 26, 1857, in Troyes, France. He is best known for introducing a method of psychotherapy characterized by the frequent repetition of the formula, “Every day, and in every way, I am becoming better and better,” which came to be known as Couéism or the Coué method 1 2.

Coué’s breakthrough came when he developed the method of autosuggestion, which he defined as the conscious repetition of positive affirmations or “autosuggestions” to influence the subconscious mind. Coué believed that by repeating positive affirmations, individuals could harness the power of their subconscious minds to bring about positive changes in their lives.

Coué’s work attracted attention from around the world, and he embarked on lecture tours to share his insights and teachings with a wider audience. He became known as a pioneer in the field of mind-body medicine. In 1886 and 1887, Coué studied under Ambroise-Auguste Liébeault and Hippolyte Bernheim, leading exponents of hypnosis, in Nancy 1 2. In 1910, he sold his business and retired to Nancy, where he opened a clinic. Over the next sixteen years, he treated approximately 40,000 patients, free of charge, for mental and physical healing. He also founded The Lorraine Society of Applied Psychology in 1913 1.

Coué’s book, “Self-Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion,” was published in England in 1920 and in the United States in 1922. Despite his teachings being more popular in Europe than in the United States during his lifetime, many Americans who adopted his ideas and methods, such as Maxwell Maltz, Napoleon Hill, Norman Vincent Peale, Robert H. Schuller, and W. Clement Stone, became famous in their own right by spreading his words 1.

Émile Coué passed away on July 2, 1926, in Nancy, France, at the age of 69. His contributions to the field of psychology, particularly in the area of self-suggestion and autosuggestion, have had a lasting impact, influencing generations of individuals worldwide 1 2 3.

How to use this affirmation

Affirmations can be simply repeated on and on, or they can be combined with self-hypnosis. Here are some ideas which can make this affirmation powerful for you.

  • Repeat it first thing in the morning and the last thing at night – this helps it go deeper into the subconscious mind.
  • Repeat this sentence while doing mundane tasks that keep the mind occupied, like driving, cooking, or the laundry.
  • Chant it while doodling with your left hand for a deep hypnotic programming.
  • Write this line 20 or more times every day. Both the writing and the doodling are more powerful if done with your non-dominant hand.
  • You can make a little recording for yourself, starting with asking yourself to watch your breath and relax deeply and then repeating this statement over and over. Listen to this while taking a nap.
  • Affirmations work better when intertwined with feelings. So stop a moment to visualise and feel what it would feel like to be better in every way. Who would you be if your body, mind, relationships, work and finances were all better?

Self-hypnosis and affirmations work better with repetitions, so it is recommended to take this up as a 30 day challenge for best results. Good luck!

Author: Ashwita Goel learned meditation as a child and has practiced energy healing for 27 years. She has helped thousands of people overcome phobias, trauma, limiting beliefs, find confidence, enhance performance and improve their relationships through online sessions.

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