This academy was conseptualised on 15 March 2004, on occasion of World Consumer Day. Dr. Beena Rani Goel and Dr. Sumant Goel were invited to attend the ICIUM workshop by WHO at Chiang Mai.
Click Here to read an article on the Rational Use of Medicine.Programs conducted by IARUD:
1. Guest lecture at JN medical college on 10 april, 2004
2. Worshop for 200 medical officers of Belgaum District on 11 April 2004
3. Guest lecture at PMNM Dental college on 17 April 2004 (see pic below)
4. 22-23 May 2004 RUD workshop conducted at PMNM Dental college, study underway
to assess the impact of this intervention. Evaluation of prescriptions collected
before and after one month of workshop, showed good improvement in prescribing
5. Completed certificate course and contact workshop at Heidelberg courtesy
6. Attended "Promoting Rational use of drugs in Community" WHO workshop 23-30
Jan 2005
7. DTC formed at PMNM Dental college, Bagalkot, development of essential drug
list for dentistry under way.
8. Formation of Drug information Center underway to serve the doctors and public
of North Karnataka
9. Allied activities being conducted for public/consumer awareness, see
IARUD committee
1. Dr. Sumant Goel, chairman
2. Dr. Beena Rani , Director
THAWANI, Director (Click
here to read Biodata)
4. Dr. Suresh Kulkarni
5. Mr. S N Sambrekar
6. Mr. M K Jainapur