Navigating Vertigo with Homeopathic Remedies

Vertigo, characterized by a sensation of dizziness or spinning, can significantly disrupt one’s daily life and sense of stability. While vertigo itself is not a standalone ailment but rather a symptom of underlying conditions, homeopathy offers a range of remedies tailored to address its diverse manifestations. By matching specific symptoms to corresponding remedies, individuals experiencing vertigo can find relief and regain their equilibrium. Here’s a comprehensive guide to homeopathic remedies for vertigo:

Gelsemium 200

  • Symptoms: Vertigo spreading from the occiput, heaviness in the head, sensation of a band around the head.
  • Indications: Gelsemium is indicated for vertigo accompanied by a feeling of pressure in the head and a sensation of constriction around the head.

Phosphorus 200

  • Symptoms: Vertigo triggered by looking down.
  • Indications: Phosphorus is recommended for vertigo induced by downward gaze or visual stimuli.

Cocculus 200

  • Symptoms: Travel sickness, vertigo, and nausea while riding in a car, airplane, or ship.
  • Indications: Cocculus is suited for individuals experiencing vertigo and motion sickness, especially while traveling in vehicles or vessels.

Conium 200

  • Symptoms: Vertigo when lying down or turning over in bed, worsened by head or eye movements, noise, or conversation, particularly towards the left.
  • Indications: Conium is prescribed for vertigo exacerbated by changes in position and movements, along with sensitivity to external stimuli.

Absinthium 200

  • Symptoms: Vertigo with a tendency to fall backward.
  • Indications: Absinthium is indicated for vertigo characterized by a sensation of falling backward or losing balance.

Morphinum 30

  • Symptoms: Vertigo triggered by the slightest movement of the head.
  • Indications: Morphinum is recommended for vertigo induced by minimal head movements or motion.

Borax 200

  • Symptoms: Vertigo while descending stairs.
  • Indications: Borax is suitable for vertigo experienced specifically while descending stairs or similar downward movements.

Bryonia 200

  • Symptoms: Vertigo, nausea, and faintness upon rising, exacerbated by motion.
  • Indications: Bryonia is indicated for vertigo accompanied by nausea and faintness upon standing up, worsened by movement.

Merc sol 200

  • Symptoms: Vertigo when lying on the back.
  • Indications: Merc sol is prescribed for vertigo experienced while lying on the back or in a supine position.

Ferrum Met 30

  • Symptoms: Vertigo upon seeing flowing water.
  • Indications: Ferrum Met is recommended for vertigo triggered by the sight of moving water or similar visual stimuli.

Silicea 200

  • Symptoms: Vertigo induced by looking upward.
  • Indications: Silicea is suited for vertigo resulting from upward gaze or visual focus.

Agaricus 200

  • Symptoms: Vertigo from sunlight exposure, constant motion of the head, sensation of falling backward.
  • Indications: Agaricus is indicated for vertigo worsened by sunlight exposure and accompanied by a feeling of constant head motion or instability.

Pulsatilla 30

  • Symptoms: Vertigo upon the suppression of menses.
  • Indications: Pulsatilla is recommended for vertigo associated with menstrual irregularities or the suppression of menses.

Nux Vom 30

  • Symptoms: Headache in the occiput or over the eyes, vertigo with momentary loss of consciousness.
  • Indications: Nux Vom is prescribed for vertigo accompanied by headaches, oversensitivity, and brief episodes of unconsciousness.


While vertigo can be distressing, homeopathy offers a gentle yet effective approach to managing its symptoms. By carefully selecting the appropriate remedy based on individual symptoms and sensitivities, individuals can find relief from vertigo and restore balance to their lives. As with any medical condition, it’s essential to consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner for personalized guidance and treatment recommendations. With the right remedy and holistic approach, overcoming vertigo is within reach.

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