Narcissism: Contrasting Covert and Overt Narcissistic Personalities

Narcissism is a personality trait characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy, and manifests in various forms. While overt narcissism is often more visible and easily recognizable, covert narcissism operates in subtler ways, making it challenging to identify. In this article, we will explore the key differences between covert and overt narcissistic personalities to deepen our understanding of this complex psychological phenomenon.

Overt Narcissism

Overt narcissism, also known as grandiose or exhibitionistic narcissism, is characterized by outward displays of arrogance, entitlement, and superiority. Individuals with overt narcissistic traits often seek attention, admiration, and validation from others, and they may exhibit manipulative or exploitative behavior to maintain their inflated self-image.

Covert Narcissism

On the other hand, covert narcissism, also referred to as vulnerable or hypersensitive narcissism, is marked by underlying feelings of insecurity, inadequacy, and self-doubt. Unlike their overt counterparts, covert narcissists may appear modest, shy, or self-effacing on the surface, but they harbor deep-seated feelings of entitlement, resentment, and envy beneath the facade.

Distinguishing Features

  1. Presentation:
    Overt narcissists are typically more extroverted and charismatic, whereas covert narcissists often present as introverted, reserved, or withdrawn.
  2. Seeking Attention:
    Overt narcissists actively seek attention and admiration, whereas covert narcissists may downplay their accomplishments and avoid the spotlight while secretly craving validation.
  3. Expressing Vulnerability:
    Covert narcissists may appear sensitive or vulnerable, using self-pity or victimhood to manipulate others, whereas overt narcissists tend to project strength and invulnerability.
  4. Manipulative Tactics:
    Overt narcissists may use overt manipulation tactics, such as gaslighting or belittling others, to assert dominance, whereas covert narcissists employ subtler forms of manipulation, such as guilt-tripping or playing the victim.
  5. Sense of Entitlement:
    While both types of narcissists feel entitled to special treatment, overt narcissists may openly demand recognition and privileges, whereas covert narcissists may harbor a sense of entitlement that is masked by false humility or self-sacrifice.
  6. Empathy and Compassion:
    Overt narcissists typically exhibit a lack of empathy or concern for others’ feelings, whereas covert narcissists may feign empathy while secretly prioritizing their own needs and desires.
  7. Relationship Dynamics:
    Overt narcissists may dominate relationships through intimidation or coercion, whereas covert narcissists may use passive-aggressive tactics or emotional manipulation to control others while appearing innocent or well-meaning.


While overt and covert narcissism share common traits such as self-centeredness and a lack of empathy, they differ in their presentation, tactics, and underlying motivations. Recognizing these distinctions can help individuals identify narcissistic behaviors in themselves or others and navigate relationships more effectively. Whether dealing with an overt or covert narcissist, setting boundaries, practicing self-care, and seeking support from qualified professionals can be essential steps in managing and mitigating the impact of narcissistic behavior on one’s mental and emotional well-being.

Author: Ashwita Goel learned meditation as a child and has practiced energy healing for 27 years. She has helped thousands of people overcome phobias, trauma, limiting beliefs, find confidence, enhance performance and improve their relationships through online sessions.

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