How You Can Heal High Blood Pressure Through Ayuvrveda

  • Avoid foods that shrink, clog or burn arteries. Bad oils clog arteries too.
  • Stress is bad for the arteries. So is obesity.
  • Highly processed salts are dangerous for the system.

If you doctor finds you have high blood pressure, you will probably be put on blood pressure medicine and/or diuretics to bring the blood pressure down.  These are important life-saving medications for sure, but we always want to make sure to treat the root cause(s) of the high blood pressure so that maybe we won’t need to resort to the use of these medications.

There are several reasons for high blood pressure, so once you know the causative factors, try to avoid these pitfalls and then we do have numerous remedies to help bring the blood pressure down.

Let’s look at this problem from a deeper perspective:

The Physical Channels

First, it is important to understand the idea of the physical channels. The arteries are considered one type of channel, the various vessels that the blood flows through. If these channels shrink down, get clogged or inflamed then the blood pressure will go up, much like a garden hose if you step on it, the pressure will go up inside the hose.

Therefore, avoid the foods that shrink the channels:  the nightshade vegetables, such as eggplant, bell peppers, tomatoes and white potatoes.  They contain nicotine which shrinks all the body’s physical channels including these delicate blood vessels, causing the pressure to go up.

Avoid the channel-clogging foods for the same reason:  chocolate, cacao, unfermented soy (tofu, soy milk, edamame), hard aged cheeses, nut butters (peanut butter, sunflower seed butter, almond butter, etc.), winter squashes, bananas, mushrooms and the heavy meats (red meat, pork, sausage, bacon, pepperoni, bacon, for example).

And finally avoid the foods which burn the channels, such as onions, garlic and vinegar. If you desire a sour taste put fresh squeezed lime on the food as it turns alkaline quickly once ingested.


I have a one-hour free class on my website.   If you listen to this in-depth explanation of magnesium, you will quickly see why even mainstream medicine uses magnesium in the hospitals and emergency rooms to lower blood pressure.

Basically, the arteries have muscles in one of their three layers to pump the blood through, and there is another layer containing elastin. This elastic layer is like a rubber band, which allows the artery to expand and contract as the blood is pumped through.

Magnesium resides in both layers, allowing the arterial muscles to both relax and then to expand as the heart beats. So we always want to keep our magnesium levels up. Stress, pharmaceuticals and other negative influences can deplete our bodies of magnesium, then the arteries lose their elasticity allowing the blood pressure to go up.

Magnesium sits on the outside of every cell, preventing calcium from entering. Calcium belongs in our teeth and bones, but not on the insides of our arteries.  Once the magnesium goes low, calcium takes advantage and begins to accumulate on the inside of the arteries, creating hardening of the arteries, which is very easy to feel in one’s pulse.  As one uses magnesium,  the arteries soften up, causing more elasticity — this is very easy to feel in the pulse and very rewarding as you see your older patients develop the very soft arteries commonly seen in the younger patients.

Of course, we recommend the use of transdermal magnesium, either through creams, rolls-ons or oil massages since the skin will absorb what it needs. When taken orally it can sometimes go through the digestive tract too quickly preventing its absorption.

Bad Oils Clog The Arteries

Most of us grew up on vegetable and other poor quality processed cooking oils:  sunflower, safflower, canola, peanut oil, corn oil, margarine, and other processed fats.  When you heat these oils they form a plastic which clogs the arteries. Then calcium deposits on top of the plastic, forming plaque, which also raises the blood pressure as the arteries get hardened. 

We have several remedies which can scrape this plaque out of the walls of the arteries but you should be under the care of one of Vaidya’s doctors as you clean it out. We have had several patients reverse their clogged arteries (as seen on a CT scan of the arteries called a “calcium score” using these tremendously effective therapies.


We all know how stress can elevate the blood pressure:  when we’re stressed our adrenal glands secrete cortisol which shrinks down the channels, allowing the blood pressure to go up.  This is why we use Ashwagandha, which prevents the release of too much cortisol when we’re under stress. 

Cortisol also dumps magnesium out of the body, causing the blood pressure to go up as the arteries lose their elasticity and harden.


The highly processed salts we use are mainly composed of sodium and chloride, which increases the blood pressure over a lifetime.  

Our Soma Salt contains many other minerals, besides sodium and chloride, which also aid in keeping your blood pressure low throughout your life.

Vata/ Pitta/ Kapha Influence on the Arteries

Learn about vata, pitta and kapha as these three doshas also play a role in keeping our blood pressure down.  High vata shrinks the channels, high pitta allows the blood to pound against the walls of the arteries as the blood gets hotter and hotter, and high kappa, if left unchecked can clog the arteries also causing high blood pressure. 

There are numerous ways to treat these doshas, including herbs, diet, daily routine and cleansing — listen to my one-hour lecture on my website which gives a thorough explanation on what these terms mean and how to keep them balanced.


Learn good eating habits to keep your weight down as high body weight can cause high blood pressure.  Many of my patients’ blood pressure came down just by losing weight, without having to use even herbs.

By following these guidelines you should be able to keep your blood pressure down your entire life, without the use of blood pressure medicines.

Author: Dr. Marianne Teitelbaum has been in private practice for over 30 years.  Using the in-depth principles of Ayurveda, a 5,000-year-old tradition of holistic medicine, she has had outstanding results for all health problems. She shares her wisdom on her YouTube Channel.

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