Empower Your Health: A Homeopathy Handbook for Self-Care

If you've never used homeopathic remedies before, this article will get you started, and then lead you to articles which can help you select the right remedies for yourself or your loved ones.

The second most common mode of treatment in the world, Homeopathy is a system that supports the body’s own healing mechanism. Ideally, homeopathy should be your first choice in case of any ailment, as it can heal rapidly and effectively without any side effects. We have noticed that over time, the occurence and intensity of common ailments reduce as well.

It is based on the principle “like cures like”. A homeopathic remedy is an extremely pure, natural substance that has been diluted many times. In large quantities these subtances would cause the same symptoms the patient is trying to cure. In small, pure, diluted doses, it is not only safe and free from side effects, but triggers the body’s ability to heal itself.

For example, Allium cepa is a remedy that is used for watery eyes and runny nose, and is extracted from red onion. If you’ve chopped up red onion you’ll observe the same symptoms. So, when the body creates a similar “symptom picture” to Allium cepa and you take a dose of Allium cepa, it activates the body to go about the process of stopping watery eyes and a runny nose.

So, is it the same as vaccination?

No. A vaccination infects the person with the actual disease. This is why people sometimes get sick from the vaccination. Homeopathy on the other hand, uses a remedy that will produce similar symptoms to the disease. In fact homeopathic remedies can be very useful to offset negative reactions to vaccinations.

How are they available?

Homeopathic remedies are regulated and manufactured under strict quality controls by the government. Homeopathic remedies come in several forms tablets, powders, ointments and liquids. Tablets are sugar pills with the liquid remedy infused, and are the most popular. They are taken sublingually (dissolved under the tongue).

How Do I Select A Remedy?

A visit to a homeopathic doctor is quite different from a visit to an Allopathic doctor, in that the doctor will probably want to know as much about you as possible. This is because an important part of selecting the correct remedy is to ‘match’ the symptom picture of the remedy as closely to your own symptoms. Symptom pictures, or descriptions of symptoms take into account the condition of the whole person, not just one symptom. If two remedies seem to be very close and hard to decide between, pick the one that best matches your most annoying symptom.

Click here for a list of ailments and related homeopathic medication.

Understanding Potency

Homeopathic remedies are classified into three levels of potencies. X, C and M, which refer to 10, 100 and 1,000 in terms of the amount of dilution. The confusing and amazing aspect of Homeopathy is that the more a tincture is diluted, the more potent it becomes. So, while a C is more dilute than an X, the C is more potent. The M classification is very potent and is usually prescribed by Homeopathic physicians.

Homeopathic remedies begin with part of the original substance dissolved in alcohol, called the mother tincture. The mother tincture is then diluted many times. After each dilution the solution is shaken or “succussed”, this shaking activates the remedy. The solution is then made into pills, powders, tinctures or creams. A 1X potency is created by mixing 1 part of the mother tincture and 9 parts alcohol or distilled water. In each successive number (increasing the potency 2X, 3X, 6X ), 1 part is taken from the previous potency and diluted according to the new potency.

Example: A 3X remedy (10x10x10=1000) has one part of the 2X remedy to 999 parts of alcohol or distilled water.

What does this really mean when you are trying to select a remedy yourself?

1) The higher the potency (30th potency) the more confident you need to be that you have selected the correct remedy.

2) Use the lower potency (6th potency) when you are uncertain of the remedy.

3) Higher potencies take less doses, and Lower potencies take more doses.

4) A general rule is double the C potency number to get the equivalent X potency. (15C = 30X, 6C = 12X)

5) There is also a school of thought that mother tinctures are the most effective form of healing, taking a drop or two in half a glass of water.

Guidelines for Homeopathic Remedies

The remedies should be kept in cool, dark place. Be careful not to touch the tablets when taking them, pour the tablets into the cap and then into your mouth. Allow them to dissolve under your tongue, and always follow the dosage recommended on the packaging.

Certain foods, substances or odors are thought to interfere, or antidote the action of the remedy. Garlic, onions and caffeine should be avoided. The use or smell of strong perfumes, eucalyptus, menthol or anything minty, (baking soda can be a good alternative for toothpaste). It is very important to avoid eating anything 20 minutes before or after taking a remedy.

However, these are only guidelines, not hard and fast rules. Some people feel that these things greatly interfere with the remedy, while others do not. It is just a matter of finding out how sensitive you are.

Typically only one remedy is taken at a time. Although when you go to the store to purchase a remedy you will undoubtedly see combinations of remedies, packaged to treat a sore throat, or flu. Here again, there seem to be two schools of thought on the subject, and again it is up to you to decide what works best for you.

How Do I Know if its Working?

The body can react to homeopathic treatment in several ways –

1) Physical symptoms get a little worse, but the mental state improves. Later the physical symptoms improve.

2) Most common reaction is improvement of mental and physical symptoms. Often the improvement is rapid, just 20-45 minutes

3) The patient starts to feel better, then progress seems to level off or decline.

    i. If the symptoms are still the same then take another dose of the same remedy.

    ii. If the symptoms have changed since the initial remedy, select a new remedy.

5) The patient does not improve, feels worse or the physical symptoms improve but the mental state is worse. These reactions could signal a few things. The incorrect remedy was selected initially. The illness is due more to a constitutional imbalance. Depending on the seriousness of the condition; try selecting a remedy again, or see a doctor.

The rule of thumb is if there is improvement the patient should be left alone. While Homeopathy is safe, over-prescribing can be a problem, as it can confuse the symptom picture. We tend to think; if a little is good – more is better. With Homeopathy a little goes a long way. Be patient, and watch the symptoms.

The Scope

Homeopathy can be used to treat not just acute illness, but it can also be used to strengthen and support the immune system by means of constitutional remedies. A constitutional remedy is one that works on a deep cellular level to bring the body and emotions back into state of health and balance. By doing so it makes the whole system more resistant to disease. To find your constitutional remedy you will need to see a trained Homeopathic Physician. They will ask you many of questions, some may seem irrelevant, like what kinds of foods do you crave, or if you prefer the mountains or the seashore. And don’t be surprised if you are given a single dose. Constitutional remedies are deep and long acting. Many people find that it is useful to get a “constitutional tune-up” once a year or at the change of the seasons.

Our Homeopathic Materia Medica contains a list of ailments and related homeopathic medication.

Dr. Prabhat Tandon has many articles for those who seek an in-depth study. CLICK HERE to visit his website. (Note: This is not a paid promotion, it is the resource the author uses for his own reference)