EFT Trumps CBT and Medication: Evidence-Based Research

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as tapping therapy, is a therapeutic method that has gained significant attention for its potential to alleviate emotional distress and promote emotional well-being. It combines elements of cognitive therapy and acupressure to help individuals heal from emotional and physical pain. Here, we will explore the benefits of EFT, particularly its effectiveness in overcoming trauma and phobias, and how it can be done in a single session.

EFT for Trauma Healing: A Quick and Effective Approach

EFT has been used successfully to help people heal from emotional and physical pain. It is based on the idea that trauma and strong emotions cause a physiological reaction that can remain within the body, causing individuals to relive that physiological response whenever trauma or strong emotions return. By accessing the body’s energy system through acupressure, EFT can interrupt the physiological response and release the trauma 3.

Evidence-Based Success Stories

The effectiveness of EFT has been supported by numerous studies. In one large-scale study involving 5,000 patients seeking treatment for anxiety, 90% of patients who received EFT tapping treatment experienced an improvement in symptoms compared to 63% of those who received traditional cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) 3. EFT has also been used with success to help people overcome anxiety and manage the psychological symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other forms of psychological distress 3.

EFT for Phobia Management: A Single Session Solution

EFT is particularly effective in addressing phobias by targeting the underlying emotional causes of the fear response. The technique involves tapping on specific acupressure points on the body while focusing on the phobia or fear, stimulating the body’s energy meridians and rewiring the brain’s neural pathways. This process helps to reduce the emotional intensity associated with the phobia, allowing individuals to approach previously anxiety-provoking situations with greater ease and confidence 1.

Comparing EFT to Other Therapies

EFT has been compared to cognitive therapy and antidepressant medication in terms of effectiveness. Studies have shown that cognitive therapy is as efficacious as antidepressant medications at treating depression, and it seems to reduce the risk of relapse even after its discontinuation 1. However, EFT has shown comparable results with a slight advantage for EFT in the domain of interpersonal functioning when compared to CBT for depression 3.


EFT offers a powerful and scientifically supported approach to overcoming trauma and phobias. Its effectiveness, demonstrated through numerous studies, along with the practicality of one-session healing, make it a promising technique for individuals seeking to manage their emotional well-being. Whether you’re dealing with anxiety, PTSD, or simply looking to overcome a fear, EFT could be a valuable tool in your journey to emotional freedom.


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