DIP Diet: A Simple Way to Reduce Weight and Regulate Blood Sugar

The DIP Diet, proposed by health educator Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury, is gaining traction as a potential approach to weight loss and overall health improvement. This article provides an in-depth exploration of the DIP Diet, including its principles, who should consider following it, its advantages, and specific steps to implement the diet effectively.

What is the DIP Diet?

The DIP Diet stands for “Diet Induced Postprandial Insulin,” focusing on managing insulin levels through dietary choices. The central premise of the diet is to regulate blood sugar levels by consuming foods that have a minimal impact on insulin secretion.

Who Should Follow the DIP Diet?

The DIP Diet is particularly suitable for individuals struggling with insulin resistance, prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, or those seeking weight loss and improved metabolic health. It may also benefit individuals looking to adopt a low-carbohydrate or low-glycemic approach to eating.

Advantages of the DIP Diet

  1. Blood Sugar Regulation: By minimizing insulin spikes, the DIP Diet helps stabilize blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. Through following this diet, 100% of Type 2 diabetes patients, non-insulin dependent, could achieve a good blood sugar level without medicine. 52% of the patients could free themselves of all kinds of medicines, including medicines for B.P, cholesterol, acidity etc. Patients also experienced an average weigh loss of 1.4 kg.
  2. Weight Management: By controlling insulin levels, the DIP Diet may support weight loss efforts and prevent excessive fat storage.
  3. Improved Metabolic Health: The diet may contribute to enhanced metabolic health, including improved insulin sensitivity and reduced risk factors for metabolic syndrome.
  4. Reduced Inflammation: Some proponents suggest that the DIP Diet’s focus on whole, unprocessed foods may help reduce inflammation in the body, promoting overall health and well-being.

Specific Steps to Follow the DIP Diet

Step 1: Eat Only Fruits Till 12 Noon

Start your day by consuming only fruits until noon. You can choose any 3-4 types of fruits, with the total quantity equaling your body weight multiplied by 10 grams. This step helps kickstart your metabolism and provides essential nutrients to fuel your day.

Step 2: Lunch/Dinner in 2 Plates

Divide your lunch and dinner into two plates: Plate 1 and Plate 2.

  • Plate 1: Consists of 4 types of raw vegetables, with the total quantity equaling your body weight multiplied by 5 grams. This plate provides a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
  • Plate 2: Includes homely cooked vegetarian food with minimal salt and oil. Ensure that Plate 2 is consumed only after finishing Plate 1. Try to complete dinner by 7 PM to support digestion and promote better sleep.

Snacking Options

Opt for healthy snacking options throughout the day to maintain energy levels and curb hunger cravings. Some recommended snacks include:

  • Fresh Coconut water & Coconut Cream
  • Sprouts (quantity based on body weight)
  • Fruits
  • Dry Fruits (preferably soaked)
  • Hunza Tea

Additionally, aim to expose your body to 40 minutes of sunshine daily to benefit from natural Vitamin D synthesis.

Foods to Avoid

To fully embrace the DIP Diet, it’s essential to avoid certain food items, including:

  • Animal products, including milk and dairy
  • Multivitamin tonics and capsules
  • Refined and processed foods
  • Alcohol-based drinks and cold beverages

In essence, steer clear of any food items that do not originate from plants in their natural form.


The DIP Diet offers a structured yet flexible approach to plant-based eating, promoting optimal health and vitality. By emphasizing fruits, vegetables, and wholesome plant-based foods while eliminating animal products and processed foods, individuals can experience numerous health benefits, including weight management, improved digestion, and enhanced overall well-being. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant dietary changes, especially if managing a medical condition or taking medications. Embrace the DIP Diet as a journey towards holistic health and wellness.

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