Blinded by Science: A Revolutionary Approach to Health and Well-being

Matthew Silverstone learned from practical experience that nature is a very powerful healer

Matthew Silverstone’s journey into the world of health and science began with the illness of his son, which healed miraculously with the help of a tree where all medical interventions had failed. An ardent believer until then, this led him to question the established medical sectors.

His son’s recovery and his subsequent research into the effects of the environment on health have shaped the arguments and evidence presented in “Blinded by Science“. Silverstone’s personal experience and the scientific evidence he presents aim to challenge conventional thinking and offer a new perspective on health and well-being.

The Core Argument

Silverstone challenges the conventional wisdom that the human body’s behavior can be fully explained by biochemistry alone. He introduces the concept that everything in the universe vibrates, and that water retains the vibration of everything it comes into contact with. This principle, combined with a broad understanding of how nature behaves, allows for a deeper exploration of various phenomena that have been difficult to explain using traditional scientific methods.

Understanding Biophilia: Our Innate Connection with Nature

Silverstone introduces readers to the concept of biophilia, a term coined by biologist E.O. Wilson, which posits that humans possess an innate affinity for nature. Delving into scientific research from various disciplines, Silverstone illuminates the myriad ways in which our connection to the natural world influences our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

From the restorative benefits of spending time in natural environments to the therapeutic effects of exposure to green spaces, Silverstone demonstrates how nurturing our biophilic connection can enhance our overall quality of life.

Nature’s Healing Power: Exploring the Therapeutic Benefits

In “Blinded by Science,” Silverstone explores the healing potential of nature across a spectrum of health conditions, ranging from stress and anxiety to chronic diseases. Drawing on a wealth of scientific studies, Silverstone reveals how elements such as sunlight, fresh air, and natural landscapes can positively impact our physiological and psychological health. Through compelling anecdotes and empirical evidence, Silverstone showcases nature’s ability to promote relaxation, boost immune function, and facilitate recovery from illness, offering readers a compelling case for integrating nature-based therapies into modern healthcare practices.

Reimagining Our Environment: Designing for Well-Being

Challenging conventional paradigms in fields such as architecture, agriculture, and education, Silverstone advocates for a holistic approach that honors our biophilic connection to the natural world. By incorporating natural elements into our built environment – from biophilic design principles in architecture to the integration of green spaces in urban planning – Silverstone contends that we can create environments that promote human health, creativity, and productivity. Through innovative solutions and visionary thinking, Silverstone inspires readers to reimagine our relationship with the environment and embrace a more harmonious and sustainable future.

Addressing Modern Health Concerns

“Blinded by Science” addresses a range of contemporary health concerns, including sleep disorders, the efficacy of homeopathy, healing processes, body rhythms, the influence of lunar cycles, and the global increase in immune-related illnesses. Silverstone provides scientific evidence and theoretical justification for these claims, suggesting that a more holistic approach to health can lead to better understanding and treatment of these issues.

1. Minimize Exposure to Mobile Phone Radiation

Silverstone discusses the biological effects of mobile phone technology, suggesting that the radiation emitted by these devices may have unforeseen health implications. To mitigate potential risks, consider limiting the time spent near mobile phones, especially in bedrooms or close to where you sleep.

2. Engage with Nature

The book highlights the beneficial effects of trees, plants, water, the sun, and the moon on our health. Regularly spending time in nature, whether it’s a walk in the park, gardening, or simply being outside, can help improve your mood, reduce stress, and potentially enhance your overall health.

3. Optimize Sleep Patterns

Addressing sleep disorders is a key focus of the book. Ensuring a consistent sleep schedule, creating a comfortable sleeping environment, and avoiding screens before bed can help improve sleep quality and overall health.

4. Consider Homeopathic Remedies

While the book does not provide specific homeopathic remedies, it opens the door to exploring alternative healing methods. If you’re interested in homeopathy, consider consulting with a homeopathic practitioner who can offer personalized advice based on your health needs.

5. Awareness of Body Rhythms

Understanding and aligning with your body’s natural rhythms can contribute to better health. This might involve paying attention to your body’s natural cycles, such as eating at regular times, and adjusting your lifestyle to better match these rhythms.

6. Consider the Lunar Cycle

The book touches on the influence of lunar cycles on health. While this may seem less tangible, being mindful of your health and well-being during the full moon and new moon phases could be a way to align with these natural cycles.

7. Educate Yourself and Seek Professional Guidance

“Blinded by Science” encourages readers to question conventional wisdom and seek out new information. Continuing to educate yourself about health and well-being, and seeking professional guidance from healthcare providers who are open to alternative perspectives, can help you navigate the complexities of modern health.


“Blinded by Science” offers a compelling argument for reevaluating how we understand health and well-being. By incorporating the vibrational nature of the universe into our understanding of health, Silverstone suggests that we can better address modern health concerns and improve our overall well-being. The book’s innovative approach and the author’s personal journey make it a thought-provoking read for anyone interested in the intersection of science, health, and the environment.

Author: Ashwita Goel learned meditation as a child and has practiced energy healing for 27 years. She has helped thousands of people overcome phobias, trauma, limiting beliefs, find confidence, enhance performance and improve their relationships through online sessions.


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