Homeopathic Solutions for Gall Stones

Gallbladder stones pose a significant challenge to expulsion. Their slow and often cumbersome journey through the system can lead to discomfort and potential complications, especially for larger stones exceeding 15 mm. in size, which may necessitate surgical intervention. However, amidst this medical landscape, homeopathy emerges as a beacon of hope, offering gentle yet effective solutions for dissolving these troublesome stones. With carefully crafted combinations, homeopathic remedies stand ready to aid in this process, providing relief and support along the path to restored health.

1. Berberis Vulgaris’Q’-10 to 15 drops in warm water twice a day morning and Evening at 7A.M. & 7P.M.: With it Natrum Sulph 12X-5 tabs in a cup of warm water morning at 9A.M .& Mag Phos 12X+Natrum Phos 6X +calcarea Phos 12X-4 tabs of each in a cup of water morning and evening after meals.

2. China 6X -6tabs twice a dayfor 10 days ,After 10 days 6tabs every third day one dose for 10 days ,6tabs every 4th day one dose for 10 days ,6tabs every 5th day one dose for 10 days till one dose a week is required+Carduus Marianus ‘Q’2 drops in water twice on daily basis.

3. Cholesterinum 3X, 1 tablet thrice daily for 2 months along with Calcarea carbonica 6C, 4 pills thrice daily for 2 months.

Before starting the treatment, consumption of foodstuffs like plain rice, potatoes, milk products including ice creams, cold drinks and bananas should be stopped because these foodstuffs slow down the process.Taking one glass of lemon juice will be of great help.

For Gall stone bladder pain Stigma Meidus’Q’20 drops in water or Cholestrinum 3X -3 times daily or Chionanthus ‘Q’5 to 10drops 3 times a day can be taken. If problem still persists then thorough investigation is required and on the basis of symptoms following medicines may be prescribed.

Nux vomica: Constricting pains that travel upward, stitching pains, and a swollen feeling in the upper right part of the abdomen suggest a need for this remedy. Digestive cramps and nausea, along with a general feeling of chilliness, are likely. The person may crave fats, strong spicy foods, alcohol, coffee and other stimulants, and feel worse from having them. Irritability and impatience are usually pronounced when this remedy is needed.

Dioscorea: This remedy is indicated when abdominal pain from gallstones is relieved by bending backward, and is worse when the person is bending forward or lying flat. Standing up and moving around in open air can also bring improvement. Pains can spread to the back, chest, and arms, or may shift around. The person tends to feel worse in the evening and at night, and also when lying down.

Podophyllum: This remedy is sometimes indicated in liver and gallbladder problems when soreness is felt in the upper right part of the abdomen along with a feeling of weakness, sinking, or emptiness. Heat may also be felt in the area. Constipation with clay-colored stools that are dry and hard to pass may alternate with watery diarrhea.

Colocynthis: Cutting, cramping pains that make a person double over or want to lie down and put hard pressure on the abdomen may indicate a need for this remedy. Pain in the upper right abdomen, extending to the shoulder, may also be seen. A person needing this remedy may have aggravated physical symptoms after feeling angry or emotional, especially after suppressing those feelings.

Chelidonium Majus: This remedy is often indicated when pain extends to the back, right shoulder, and shoulder-blade. The abdomen is distended, with a constricting feeling as if a string were pulled across it. Pain is worse from motion, and lying on the left with the legs drawn up may help. The person may feel nauseous, especially after eating fat or drinking something cold (warm drinks stay down more easily). The person may feel tired, worse from being cold, and worse in the early morning.

Lycopodium: This remedy is often indicated for people who have chronic digestive problems with abdominal bloating, flatulence, and discomfort. Problems are worse from eating, and the pains may extend from the right side to the left. A person who needs this remedy typically craves sweets, prefers warm drinks, and may feel worse in the late afternoon and evening.

Berberis vulgaris: This remedy may be indicated when stitching pains extend from the gallbladder region to the stomach and sometimes to the shoulder. Sharp twinges radiating outward can be felt in the groin and pelvic bones and may seem to come from the lower back. Pain can be worse when the person is standing up, and from changing position. The person may be constipated and have a tendency toward gout or joint pains. Rapidly changing states (sudden thirst, then thirstlessness; hunger, then a loss of appetite) can point to this remedy.

Calcarea carbonica: When a person needing this remedy has gallbladder problems, the abdomen may feel swollen on the right and be very sensitive to pressure, with cutting pains that extend to the chest and are worse from stooping, The person feels worse from standing, worse from exertion, and better from lying on the painful side. Calcarea carbonica is often indicated for people who tire easily, feel cold and sluggish with clammy hands and feet, crave sweets, and tend to feel anxious and overwhelmed when ill.

Low potencies from 6x to 30 C are generally used.

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