Jalaukavacharana: When Leeches Give You Better Health

Jalaukavacharana, or leech therapy, is a traditional Ayurvedic practice that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. This ancient remedy is based on the principle that the blood of a leech can help to balance the body’s doshas, especially when the vitiated dosha is pitta. The practice involves the use of non-poisonous leeches, which are carefully selected and collected from freshwater sources. This article delves into the meaning, procedure, benefits, and importance of Jalaukavacharana, offering a glimpse into this timeless therapeutic technique.

How Leech Therapy Works

  • Anticoagulant Properties: Leeches secrete anticoagulants through their saliva, which prevent blood clots and help maintain blood flow to wounds, aiding in healing 1.
  • Blood Extraction: During a therapy session, leeches attach to the skin of the problematic area and draw blood. This process typically lasts about 20 to 45 minutes, with each leech extracting up to 15 milliliters of blood. The leeches most commonly used for medical purposes come from Hungary or Sweden 1.


Jalaukavacharana has been used effectively in the management of various conditions, including eczema, by applying the leeches to the affected area. This therapy is known for its fast results, significant reduction in symptoms, and the rarity of complications, making it a cost-effective and reliable option for many patients.

The use of leeches in Jalaukavacharana is not just about bloodletting; it’s about the therapeutic properties of the leeches themselves. Leeches are known to have anti-inflammatory properties, and their saliva contains enzymes that can help to heal and soothe the affected area. The therapy aims to restore balance in the body, reduce inflammation, and promote healing.

Medical Applications

  • Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Leech therapy is often used in plastic surgery and other microsurgical procedures to prevent complications such as thrombosis and infection 12.
  • Cardiovascular Disease: It has been suggested that leech therapy can improve blood circulation and prevent clotting, potentially benefiting individuals with cardiovascular conditions 1.
  • Joint Disease: Clinical trials indicate that leech therapy may reduce pain and tenderness in the affected joints, making it a candidate treatment for osteoarthritis 1.

Side Effects and Considerations

  • Risk of Infection: There’s a risk of bacterial infection, including drug-resistant strains, which is why it’s crucial to use leeches in a regulated environment. Immunocompromised individuals are advised to avoid this therapy 1.
  • Allergies: Some individuals may be allergic to leech saliva, which can lead to complications such as bleeding or an inability for the wound to close properly 1.
  • Adverse Effects: Common side effects include itching and bleeding at the treatment site. In rare cases, orthostatic hypotension and vasovagal symptoms may occur, especially in elderly patients 2.


Leech therapy, while centuries old, is still used today for various medical conditions, particularly in plastic and reconstructive surgery. Its effectiveness is attributed to the anticoagulant properties of the leeches’ saliva, which prevent blood clots and promote healing. However, due to the risk of infection and allergic reactions, it’s crucial to use this therapy under medical supervision and in a controlled environment. Despite its potential benefits, further research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms and to optimize its application in modern medicine.

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