Use This Magical Technique to Repair Relationships and Calm People Down

Beaming our positivity at people can bring improvement in interactions and relationships

What do you do if someone dislikes you? If we know that there is a valid reason for that dislike, we might do something to change it, but more often than not, there is simply no reason, or an irrational one. A simple visualisation can help with changing these kinds of situation.

A Reiki technique called flooding can improve deadlock situations in work places and relationships by facilitating a rush of new energy. Although this works much more powerfully when you have a regular Reiki practice, lay people can also use it with moderate success.

What it Helps With

Flooding can help in the in many life situations

  • People that dislike us, or pick on us
  • Situations like client meetings or interviews where we want to make a good impression
  • Clashes with authority, like an irate boss or a police officer pulling you up
  • Public interactions like speeches, webinars and presentations
  • Clearing the energy of a room, especially after having unpleasant guests
  • Helping lift the mood of someone we are interacting with

How To Do It

Imagine a beam of light entering your body from the top of your head, filling up your whole body, flushing every cell of any negativity – any fears or apprehensions you might have about this person, and then overflowing out of your body and flowing to the person in front of you. Imagine this energy now flooding this person, flushing out every cell in their body of negativity and filling them with light.

It helps to continuously chant ‘be happy’ while doing this.

This can be done a single time in difficult situations, or it can be done repeatedly when trying to improve a relationship with someone.

This guided meditation can help you practice flooding

Some Things to Keep in Mind

It is important that our intention is pure and not manipulative in order for this to work well. It is not a great idea to use this in relationships where we want someone to act a certain way or for example, change their mind and get back to the relationship. It simply puts the person in front of us in a good mood and they will think and act without a negative bias in that moment, that’s all.

As already mentioned, a sincere Reiki practice makes this method a lot more powerful as it strengthens the power of intent in the practioner.

Author: Ashwita Goel learned meditation as a child and has practiced Reiki for 27 years. She has helped thousands of people overcome phobias, trauma, limiting beliefs, find confidence, enhance performance and improve their relationships through online sessions.

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