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Common Reasons for Rejection of FIARE Fellowship

Now it is a must to attend our one week Rotary Endo training program as a prerequisite to apply for fellowship

Points to remember while submitting cases for Fellowship of IARE and reasons for Rejection and remedy:

Incorrect diagnosis: Please give results of diagnostic aids that helped you to arrive at the correct diagnosis.

Rubber dam not used at all: It is desirable to use the rubber dam in all your cases, particularly so in mandibular posteriors.

Inadequate apical preparations: Apical sizes should be appropriate. Very small sizes eg. #25 for palatal canal of a max molar is not acceptable.

Incomplete records: All the cases should have pre treatment, working length, mastercone (optional) and post treatment radiographs.

Inadequate description: Please describe the full sequence of method used to prepare access, coronal flaring, root canal preparation, type and concentration of irrigation used and method of obturation and type of sealer used.

Working length and mastercone used for each canal should be specifically mentioned. Non use of EAL ( Electronic Apex Locator) also adds negative points.

• Submissions in power point should be done with all the above details accompanying each radiograph.

Endodontics is challenging, each day you encounter a new anatomy and you have to deal with it by seing only a 2 D picture. But with good guidance and some training you can achieve good results in most of your cases. This is the leading site in Rotary endo, read more by clicking on the LINKS to your leftside. IF you have any questions do email webmaster.