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Reiki - Getting Reconnected

In the last two months Malati had to confront two side reactions from allopathic medicines. The antibiotic, which she took for her chest infection, gifted her with light sensitivity i.e., in presence of light esp., sunlight, she had to almost close her eyes to avoid pain.

During the exam period, Malati’s daughter took painkillers on consecutive days for headache and she got skin rashes all over the body, which resembled measles lesions. She was lucky that the doctor made a correct diagnosis. Malati was on the look out for an alternative therapy that could take care of day to day minor illnesses. Her friend prompted her to try Reiki.

Narasimha Murthy didn’t want to spend a ‘life of rest’ after his retirement. He learned a series of alternative therapies to help his large family of grandchildren and grand nephews and nieces. When he came across Reiki, he felt his search had ended.

After spending an active life of thirty-five years, when arthritis struck Hema, she was devastated. Ten years she lived with it, half of which was spent in self-pity. Taking up Reiki as a challenge to regain her self-worth, she got a whole new world opened up before her. She is busy giving Reiki healing to others who are suffering.

Everybody wants to enjoy good health, wealth, and happiness. But how much investment is anybody ready to put in to achieve these?

Nature has blessed our body with self-healing capacity. In diseases and accidents doctors render the treatment but how does the healing come about? Wounds get healed, broken bones join together with new bone formation. How does it happen?

It is brought about by the healing capacity of the body, which in turn depends on our life force energy. Same energy pulsates in all beings, whether living or non-living in the Universe. When we are born, we are directly connected to Universal Life Force Energy (Reiki). As our life progresses we perform myriad of actions which are against the law of nature and we start getting surrounded by negative energies like anger, jealousy and greed. These settle like dust on our energy plane that gradually accumulates and cuts off our connection with the Universal Life Force Energy.

Thus we have to manage our worldly life with, only this fragmented energy trapped inside our body. When a person gets Reiki attunement, a fine-tuning of his physical and ethereal bodies to a higher vibratory level occurs. Certain energy centers also known as chakras are opened, to enable the person to channel higher amounts of Universal Life Force Energy.

Thousands of years ago our sages had the ability to heal by touch. Somewhere along the line we lost this legacy. Mikao Usui, a Buddhist monk through intense study and meditation re-established the connection to the Universal Life Force Energy and named it Reiki. It is the simplest self-healing system, which can also be used to heal others. For anyone to be able to tap this energy, he needs a master to‘initiate’ or ‘attune’him.

Contrary to other treatment techniques, Reiki cannot be self-learned. A master has to purify and open up the channel (that corresponds to chakras in the body) so that he can receive the energy and pass it on for self-healing or for healing others.

The major drawback of allopathic system is that it is symptomatic treatment. For a headache, we swallow a painkiller and the pain is relieved. The headache may have been due to indigestion, for which nothing is done. Because of increasing disillusionment with allopathic system, the acceptance for non-traditional systems is reaching an all time high. And Reiki tops the list. Anybody who is interested to know more details on various alternative therapies can refer to "The Hamlyn Encyclopedia of Complementary Health" by Nikki Bradford.

A person becomes a "Reiki channel" on receiving Reiki attunement or initiation. Reiki attunement has to be passed directly from a qualified and recognized teacher to student. A Reiki channel receives an increase in the life energy for his own healing and for healing of others.

The uniqueness of Reiki lies in its simplicity. Reiki can be taught in a day or two. Anybody, even a child can master it. About half-hours practice daily takes care of your whole day. Reiki Self healing can be done even while reading newspaper or watching TV. The attunement process is like inserting a wire into waterline pipe, which has got clogged. Through the narrow space made by the wire, water starts flowing. If the water is allowed to flow continuously, it will remove the remaining blockage and water flow will increase.

Similarly immediately after attunement, Universal Life Force Energy starts flowing through our body and emanates through hands. The more we use this energy for self-healing and healing others, the more our capacity to channel this energy becomes. We can direct this energy to an aching body part through cupped arms and get relief. Laying hands on our body or that of another with an intent to heal will automatically activate a Reiki flow.

Since Reiki passes through the Reiki Channel to the person being healed, Reiki channel does not take any of the negative energy or blocks from him.

Researchers at Stanford, using highly sensitive instruments, which measure the flow of energy forces entering the body, determined that Reiki energy enters the healer through the top of the head and exits through the hands.

Diseases and accidents occur due to imbalance within the body, imbalance between body and the environment, or imbalance between physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes. Reiki can balance and bring harmony in all these areas. So will you be free from all diseases and accidents once you become a Reiki channel? Before I answer this question, let me know- are we living in an ideal environment? We are surrounded by so much of negative forces and they are bound to affect us. But you will feel the tremendous change in the way you will handle each situation. And you will also experience a cushioning effect, as if a higher force is always protecting you. Best of all, you will be conscious of the stream of happiness and contentment deep within you.

The Usui system consists of three levels or degrees of attunement. Reiki I is proximity modality. The practitioner needs to be physically close to the receiver to transfer Reiki energy.

After Reiki II attunement, the practitioner can send Reiki energy beyond time and space. The Second degree attunement process provides a quantum leap in the vibratory level at least four times greater than First degree.

Reiki III denotes mastery and it is required for teaching Reiki tradition and passing attunements.

Reiki Energy has basically five effects. It brings about deep relaxation. It dissolves energy blockages, detoxifies, supplies healing Universal Life Force Energy and increases the vibrational frequency of the body.

Contrary to symptomatic treatments, Reiki heals the whole person. While healing a headache, if its due to digestive problems, the energy travels to the digestive system and also deals with the head pain. If the headache has an emotional cause like stress, Reiki deals at both the levels.

At times we may not see healing take place the way we expect. One reason is that people may not want to get better in health because illness gives them chance to draw towards themselves attention, caring and affection. Or it may be that they need to learn something from their illness that they haven't learned so far.

At theWilliam Rand Reiki center, an experiment was conducted on 48 persons, out of which 10 were the control group who didn't receive Reiki treatment. Blood samples were taken before and after the experiment. The 38 with the Reiki treatments experienced up to a 20 percent increase in red blood cell counts whereas the 10 in the control group had no significant change.

After Reiki II attunement, you will experience growth simultaneously on different fronts. This will be quite substantial in the areas of your relationship, relationship with your family, relationship with your work, relationship with your colleague, relationship with time and relationship with finance. Regular daily use of Reiki will enrich one's life in every direction ceaselessly.

Initiation into Reiki does not turn you suddenly into a great healer, wealthy businessman, or a divine being. It just brings out the best in you and intensifies all your capabilities.

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