Friday, February 26, 2010

Indian Dentist in UK nailed, Enamel defects are deadly, Revolution in Temporizing

Indian dentist in UK barred from treating women alone
Dr Surinder Hundle London-based cosmetic dentist, order of GDC reads:
 ‘You have admitted having had a sexual relationship with Patient A between about 2006 and September 2008. There are conflicting versions of events, in particular, about whether you or patient A initiated the relationship, and which of you ended the relationship.

‘Boundaries were transgressed so as to raise questions of public protection and the public interest. Any such behaviour must tend to bring the profession into disrepute because a sexual relationship between a dentist and his patient constitutes a breach of appropriate boundaries.' MORE

To Probe or NOT To Probe
Jonathon gave practical advice on techniques for use in the surgery and also maintenance tips for patients at home.
Many hygienists are reluctant to use a probe where an implant is present, but Jonathan assured his audience that using conventional probing with lightweight force would be unlikely to damage the peri-implant tissues, but would certainly help determine the health of gingival tissue.

‘Probing is essential for identifying the health of tissues around the implant. If there is a probing depth of more than 3mm, or bleeding on probing, you should administer antiseptic cleansing gel, antibiotics, or, in extreme cases, suggest regenerative surgery.' MORE

Tooth Enamel defects, you will die early ?
"Prehistoric remains are providing strong, physical evidence that people who acquired tooth enamel defects while in the womb or early childhood tended to die earlier, even if they survived to adulthood," says Emory University anthropologist George Armelagos. MORE

Revolutionary New Provisional Restorative material
Pulpdent Corporation has introduced Tuff-Temp Provisional Veneer, Crown & Bridge Resin, a new rubberized-urethane provisional material with advantages over acrylics and bis-acrylics. Tuff-Temp is the first innovation in temporary materials in almost two decades. The proprietary chemistry, available only from Pulpdent, provides greater strength and dimensional stability, and a tighter fitting provisional restoration. MORE HERE

Late Baby Teeth May Mean More Orthodontic Visits
Several genes affect tooth development in the first year of life, according to the findings of a study conducted at Imperial College London, the University of Bristol in the UK and the University of Oulu in Finland. The research, published February 26 in the open-access journal PLoS Genetics, shows that the teeth of babies with certain genetic variants tend to appear later and that these children have a lower number of teeth by age one. Additionally, those children whose teeth develop later are more likely to need orthodontic treatment. FULL REPORT

Treat Canker sores (aphthous ulcer) with  Vitamin B 12
People with canker sores have much lower intake of vitamin B12 and folate than average, a study concludes.
Researchers at the University of Connecticut collected diet information on 100 people who had a history of canker sores. They compared this group of people to a national survey of more than 9,000 people. These people had completed a diet history, but did not have canker sores.
The canker sore group had much lower intakes of vitamin B12 and folate than the nationwide group without canker sores. Other studies have found vitamin B12 or folate deficiencies in some people with canker sores. In at least one study, people were treated for these deficiencies. Their canker sores either got smaller or disappeared altogether.MORE

Sweet tooth could mean something more serious
Children's response to intense sweet taste is related to both a family history of alcoholism and the child's own self-reports of depression, according to new research from the Monell Chemical Senses Center (Addiction, February 9, 2010).

Because sweet taste and alcohol activate many of the same reward circuits in the brain, the researchers examined the sweet preferences of children with a genetic predisposition to alcoholism. They also studied the influence of depression, hypothesizing that children with depressive symptoms might have a greater affinity for sweets because sweets make them feel better.

In the study, 300 children between 5 and 12 years of age tasted five levels of sucrose (table sugar) in water to determine their most preferred level of sweetness. The children also were asked questions to assess the presence of depressive symptoms, while their mothers reported information on family alcohol use. MORE

Ice skating champions, Meryl Davis dancing to Bollywood songs- Great video


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