Friday, June 20, 2008

Growth hormore helps dental implants, Rubber dam Use in Endo

Growth Hormone helps faster placement of Dental implants

The use of the growth hormone in oral implantology has managed to regenerate the bone and hasten the integration between the bone base and the dental implant. The process allows to reduce from six months to two weeks the wait time to place the crown which replaces the lost tooth on the oral implant.

This advance has been the result of the research of the doctoral thesis "Growth hormone and osteointegration in the oral cavity" by Cecilia Vander Worf Úbeda, supervised by Professors Antonio Cutando Soriano and Gerardo Gómez Moreno (School of Odontology of the University of Granada, Spain).

"We must consider," says Cutando "That a dental impant is successful when it is possible to get a firm, stable and lasting joint between the bone substratum and the crown constructed on it, in which we call prosthetic restoration. That was the goal of this research work, which has also managed to improve the patients' quality of life reducing the wait period to receive a new tooth."

The Works were developed over three years with a methodology applied to 13 dogs, with the authorization of the Ethical Committee of the University of Granada.

Hastened biointegration

The research carried out by Cecilia Vander Worf obtained a good and fast biointegration, which consists of "the direct biochemical joint between the raw bone and the surface of the implant, demonstrable through electronic microscopy, irrespective of any mechanical joint mechanism".

Plan to Attend and send your students to ALL India IDA conference 21-23 Nov. 2008 at Belgaum It will be fun and learning

How to Deal with Tooth sensitivity during tooth whitening

Bleaching is the most conservative treatment for discolored teeth when compared with more invasive procedures, such as composites, veneers, or crowns, and offers a simple, cost-effective, and time-saving alternative. Bleaching vital and nonvital teeth is a well accepted, common procedure, and when used appropriately, is safe.1,2 Patients have the option of bleaching at home or in the dental office. Both forms of bleaching can be associated with tooth and gingival sensitivity. This article will review the bleaching process and outline the management of bleaching-associated tooth and gingival sensitivity. Read Full article HERE

Accidental swallowing of an endodontic file
IEJ july 2008

This report again shows that doing endo without rubber dam can be dangerous and criminal offense if patient decides to sue you.

Aim To report the management of an iatrogenic incident in which an endodontic file was swallowed accidentally and passed into the gastrointestinal tract.

A 51-year-old male swallowed a 21 mm, size 30 endodontic file during root canal treatment without rubber dam. In the absence of clinical complications, the patient was reviewed with serial chest and abdominal radiographs, and stool tests for occult blood until the instrument was discharged at 3 days. This report discusses early differential diagnosis for locating foreign bodies and underlines the importance of serial radiographic evaluation for signs of foreign body migration.

Key learning points• The use of rubber dam is mandatory for patient safety during root canal treatment.

• Early location of an inhaled or ingested foreign body facilitates appropriate and timely treatment management and referral.

• When a foreign body passes into the gastrointestinal tract, clinical symptoms and signs should be monitored closely until it is excreted or removed.

• An endodontic file can pass through the gastrointestinal tract asymptomatically and apparently atraumatically within 3 days.

Comparison of radiographic and electronical working length determination on palatal and mesio-buccal root canals of extracted upper molars, Triple O, online June 2008

If you are doing endo and not using Electronic Apex Locator, its time for change, this study again proves that EAL is more accurate than radiographs.


The objective of this work was to compare the accuracy of working length determination of ProPex (Dentsply-Maillefer) electronic apex locator (EAL) to the radiographic method on extracted molars.
Study design
Root canal length was determined using the electronic apex locator and conventional radiographic method. Digital radiographs were taken and the distance between the tip of the file and the radiographic apex was measured. Mann-Whitney and χ2 tests were used for the statistical analysis.

The average distance between the tip of the file and the radiographic apex in the mesio-buccal canals was 0.46 mm with the radiologic method, and 0.23 mm with EAL, and 0.43 mm and 0.31 mm in the palatal canals, respectively. The difference at the mesio-buccal canals was significant (Mann-Whitney test P = .048). The number of overextensions was higher in the EAL group.

The desired position of the file achieved by the EAL proved to be more accurate in the mesio-buccal canals than with the radiologic method alone.

Enjoy Monsoon.


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